My Open Source Adventure

Author: Joe Lucas

Continuing on my Open Source Adventure, yesterday I spent 4 hours working with 40 other Open Source Aspirants to contribute to the popular machine learning library, Scikit-Learn as part of the Data Umbrella + NYC PyLadies Scikit-Learn Open Source Sprint. It was a phenomenal experience and I would like to cover some of the highlights and encourage you to seek similar opportunities in the future.

Data Umbrella is a relatively young organization dedicated to “providing a welcoming and educational space for under-represented persons in the fields of ML/DS/AI” and NYC PyLadies is a “group for Python ladies and non-binary people of all levels of programming experience in the NYC metro area.” Together, these great organizations got together with the Scikit-Learn maintainers and organized this great one-day event to help under-represented people and allies learn how to contribute to open source.

Read the full article here:
Joe Lucas: Data Umbrella scikit-learn Sprint — June 2020